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Relationship/Career/Family/Money​/Balance/Health & Body/Communication​



Coaching is...


A partnership - a collaborative process that is 100% about the person being coached.

A way to accelerate what is already underway or about to begin.


A way to maximize potential,  moving people from good to great


Coaching is not...


Therapy, which is about recovery/fixing the person; coaching is about discovering the strengths within and using them to move ahead with confidence.
Consulting, which is about an expert giving direction and answers; coaching works with the coachee to discover answers from within.
Mentoring, in which the mentor shares from personal experiences to guide the mentee; coaching uses the coachee's own experiences to develop the appropriate plan of action.


* There are times when a therapist, consultant or mentor is appropriate. A coach will help identify those times, but will not attempt to serve in those roles.

Methods for Coaching:


• By phone
• Face-to-face
• Social Media (ie. Skype,    GoToMeeting, etc.)
The Coach and Coachee will work out the details and methods.
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